The State Board of Workers’ Compensation in Georgia oversees a number of programs related to workers’ compensation issues. The agency provides education, publications and posters and conducts seminars and conferences on current topics. It also plays a role in licensing, claims and document processing and managed care and rehabilitation. Here is a look at two areas the agency focuses on.
According to, the enforcement division of the agency works to ensure compliance with Georgia’s Workers’ Compensation Law. It works with businesses and seeks to prevent fraud through public relations and investigations. The enforcement division is charged with enforcing the rules and regulations of the Workers’ Compensation Board. A stated goal of this arm of the agency is to make sure injured workers receive the correct benefits under law. Medical providers, businesses and others receive education and assistance through the work of this agency. Employers are able to print out a Fraud Poster that post at their discretion. The poster is available in English and Spanish. An online form allows interested parties to report companies that do not carry the required workers’ compensation insurance as well as other areas of potential fraud.
The licensure and self-insurance division, according to the SBWC website, regulates and licenses the companies and government entities that handle workers’ compensation liabilities through self-insurance. It also works with some 400 insurance companies that write workers’ compensation policies in Georgia. This division provides an online list of all self-insurance companies and insurance carriers with their ID number. Additional resources provided by this division include a list of frequently asked questions and guidelines and applications for self-insurers.