If you receive a Georgia traffic citation after an accident, then you may think that the most you need to worry about are the damages and fines. In reality, you may have to worry about the points assigned to your license. If you have points on your license, will you...
Traffic Crimes
How serious is drunk driving in Georgia?
Most residents in Georgia have likely grown accustomed to public awareness campaigns about the risks of drunk driving launched at key holiday times like Halloween, Fourth of July, New Year's Eve and more. The state also has strong laws aimed in part at deterring...
Schedule A Confidential Consultation.
To discuss your legal needs with a member of our team, please call 770-637-8695 or complete our online contact form. We provide confidential legal consultations at our law office in Lawrenceville, and we are available to make jail, hospital and home visits at the convenience of potential clients.
Office Location
4799 Sugarloaf Pkwy
Building J
Lawrenceville, GA 30044
Lawrenceville Law Office Map